Our history


Youth Works CIC established


Knibb Arts Project: 3-year performing arts project funded by the Big Lottery Fund
First vocational courses offered to schools


Positive Activities Contract for Corby and Kettering funded by NCC
Jungle Hood production performed at the Lighthouse Theatre
First holiday club held


Became a City and Guilds approved Centre
Awarded NCC Supporting Services Contract for Kettering, working in partnership with Wellingborough and East Northants Women’s Aid, Homestart Kettering and Groundwork


Kettering Mayor’s Charity of the Year


Merged with Kettering Youth Information, an information and counselling service for young people.  Acquired new premises – the Keystone Centre


Our NHS-funded counselling service moved to the Keystone Centre


Registered Youth Works Community College – an independent special school for young people with social, emotional and mental health difficulties


Registered as a charity ‘Youth Works Northamptonshire Charitable Incorporated Organisation’


Covid-19 locked down the country but we didn’t stop!

Overnight the counselling service went virtual, offering counselling on the phone and by video messaging.

School continued online with staff providing face to face support and doorstep drops where appropriate.

Drop ins stayed open to offer face to face support.

969 young people completed our survey looking at young people’s experiences of lockdown.  The survey attracted national interest.

We worked with Barnardo’s on the See, Hear , Respond project allowing us to work with young people and families in different ways.


Our NHS funded Triple P online programme launched in Northamptonshire


16-25 Mental Health Transition Service launched