We continue to be committed to supporting vulnerable young people and families who benefit from Youth Works whilst keeping everyone as safe as possible.
Our message is that ‘we are still here for you’. This is a time when everyone’s mental health is vulnerable, and our service users need guidance and support. Our staff and young people have demonstrated their dedication to Youth Work’s values and have some great ideas about how to adapt. This is the time to model the calmness, courage and creativity needed to cope in difficult times.
Youth Works service delivery update 5 January 2021
Following on from the announcement that we are going into lockdown, we have been busy putting alternative arrangements in place to enable the safe delivery of our services and compliance with the lockdown guidelines.
Here is our current position which is subject to change. We promise to keep everyone up to date.
Counselling and emotional well-being services
We continue to follow the government guidelines for our services:
- Current clients being seen on a face to face basis are being risk assessed and will be encouraged to move to phone or video
- Any clients at risk who are not able to engage remotely will be offered continuing face to face appointments
- Two emotional well-being drop ins:
- Tuesday from 4pm to 8pm at Corby Mind, 18 Argyll Street, Corby.
- Thursday from 4pm to 8pm at 97 Rockingham Road, Kettering.
- New Parent support drop in available by phone and in person:
- Tuesday from 12:30pm to 3.30pm at Corby Mind, 18 Argyll Street, Corby
- Ring 07479 973085
- Youth Works continue to accept referrals into the service. These are picked up and responded to within our current resource.
- Assessments are offered via telephone or video
- Young people, parents and carers are able to ring 01536 518339 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday to get help, support and practical ideas to manage mental health and emotional wellbeing
- Our social media offers daily updates, information and strategies or ideas for managing our mental health.
- We will ensure signposting to other avenues of support and helplines for times of crisis
- Remote supervision will be available as usual
- We will continue to follow our safeguarding policies
School or education provision
- We have identified our vulnerable and keyworker learners and ascertained with parents or carers who are likely to take up this offer. We will produce a physical delivery timetable for those students, to commence on Monday 11 January.
- We are drawing up a timetable of Zoom lessons, to commence from Wednesday 6 January 2021. This will include weekly debriefs with learners, every Friday lunchtime.
- Work packs, busy bags and other physical learning materials are due to be delivered to learners on Friday 8 December 2021
- Physical tasks and challenges to be set for practical subjects.
- We are setting up group messaging with the learners which was proven to be an effective way of communicating and improving engagement with learners during the March lockdown.
- Keyworkers will make weekly contact with learners on a 1:1 basis
Thank you for your time, stay safe and we look forward to when we can all come together again.